Party bros on watters world thanksgiving 11/24/18
Party bros on watters world thanksgiving 11/24/18

party bros on watters world thanksgiving 11/24/18

However, those were always isolated 1 day events because The Stock Market Bull would quickly counter with a big charge of his own and string together a few nice positive days. The January 2019 US Stock Exchanges Summary: There were a few days in January 2019 when The Stock Market Bear would take a big chunk out of the US stock exchanges. New US/China trade talks have eased concerns a little bit and there is some optimism. The FOMC keeps short term federal funds rates the same and strikes a dovish tone. The US economy showed some slowing down signs as well, but is still growing at a healthy rate.

party bros on watters world thanksgiving 11/24/18

Economists generally agree that the global economy is entering a slowdown phase.

party bros on watters world thanksgiving 11/24/18

The January 2019 The PBR1000 News Summary: The biggest news was the US Federal Government partial shutdown, which finished late on 01/25/19 after 35 days with 800,000 government workers furloughed. With a Republican controlled Senate and a Democratic controlled House the new US Congress will have many challenges to create legislation to keep America moving forward.

Party bros on watters world thanksgiving 11/24/18